Last summer, I made a visit to New Jersey. During my short trip I had a very rare sighting…a Radio Shack store! Though the store was still in business, they were no longer a Radio Shack but had left all the signage up. More on Radio Shack later on, but it got me thinking…Being the retro geek that I am, I should devote an article on my blog about chains that are on life support and may not be around a few years from now.
Outside the expansive Kmart in Bridgehampton, NY a few weeks before it closed. Photo courtesy of Bernie Pizzitola.
The K Isn’t Here to Stay
I filed the idea away in the back of my brain until last October when news hit that a Kmart in Bridgehampton, New York, one of only three remaining Kmart’s in the US, was going to close forever after 25 years in business. There had been a Westwood, NJ location, but it closed the year before after 40 years. There are still a few Kmart’s in Guam and The Virgin Islands, but as far as the USA proper is concerned, there is only one lone remaining Kmart…a very small one in Miami that was previously a garden center. Sadly, Kmart is as dead as disco.
Everything must go: Inside the last full-size Kmart store. Photo courtesy of Bernie Pitzzola.
I worked at a RI Kmart in my late teens. I worked with the guy who announced the blue light specials for our store. I shopped there. Odd as it may seem, there’s a special place in my heart for Kmart. I really wanted to get to the NY store before it closed, but it would’ve been quite a trip and I couldn’t take on the expense. So, I contacted an acquaintance who lived not far from the store and asked him to text me a few pictures of the inside and outside of the store before it closed. He probably thought I was nuts, but he sent me a few snaps anyway. I’ll post more pics on my Instagram page, link at the end.
The first Kmart opened back in 1962 in Michigan, owned by the S.S. Kresge Company, which had a national chain of five and dime stores. Eventually, Kmart became the second largest retailer next to Sears until it was surpassed by Walmart (who else?) in 1990. At its height in 1994, Kmart had almost 2,500 stores globally.
In 2004, Kmart bought Sears for a mere $11 billion with a “b”. Over the ensuing years, thousands of under-performing Kmart and Sears stores were shuttered, and they went through at least two bankruptcies. How the mighty have fallen.
Renewed Commitment
Today, Kmart and Sears are both owned by TransformCo which seems to be in a serious state of denial based on what their website says: “Kmart’s associates are facing the future with new energy and enthusiasm — and a renewed commitment to providing customers with compelling promotional values, great private brands and excellent service.” Huh? Earth to TransformCo- I think you need to update your website.
The Softer Side
Ghost town: A defunct Sears Auto Center. Photo by Peter Skiera.
This conveniently leads me to the next chain on the retail endangered species list…Sears. I grew up with a Sears store less than 10 minutes from our Pawtucket, RI apartment, as probably many did back in the day. Of course, we all remember the big Sears catalogs. I was mortified to discover that as of last July, there were only sevenremaining Sears stores in the USA, not counting the one in Puerto Rico. You might also recall the ubiquitous (and infamous) Sears Auto Centers, but the last one of those closed about two and a half years ago.
Sears: No lines, no waiting. Photo by Peter Skiera.
This time around, I was able to get to an actual store which was inside an actual mall. It had been the first time I had been inside a Sears in a very long time. I felt as if I had gone back in time. I also felt like I was visiting a dear friend who had a terminal disease and probably wouldn’t be around in a couple of years. Based on the lack of foot traffic I witnessed, maybe it won’t even be around that long. I found a few good clothing bargains and as a result of my purchase, I got a Sears plastic bag, sure to become a collector’s item. I also helped myself to a free Sears ruler from the appliance department. See more pics on my Instagram page, link at the end.
No one around, just us mannequins: Inside an Orlando Sears. Photo by Peter Skiera.
Sears began in 1892 strictly as a mail order catalog business. In 1906, it became the first major retailer to hold an initial public offering. It opened its first store in 1925 in Chicago. By the 1980s, it had become America’s biggest retail chain. Like I said- how the mighty have fallen.
From Sears To Toys
I don’t want to grow up: Toys “R” Us inside a Macy’s. Photo by Peter Skiera.
Toys “R” Us is different story. Somehow, they came back from the dead after closing all of their stores in 2018. George Romero himself would be proud. I was surprised to learn they had been around since 1948. Personally, I was a Child World child and had never been to a Toys “R” Us in my life.
Hanging out with Geoffrey at Toys “R” Us. Photo by Peter Skiera.
That said, I felt the need to pay Geoffrey a visit since I was only steps away from their store-within-a- store in Macy’s. WHP Global acquired Toys “R” Us in 2021 and has been opening new stores ever since including in over 400 Macy’s stores. As of September 2023, there were 1,400 Toys “R” Us stores and e-commerce sites globally, including their flagship store at the American Dream mall in New Jersey.
Rent Control
A working Redbox kiosk not far from my home. Photo by Peter Skiera.
Although Redbox wasn’t a retail chain, at one point it had over 42,000 self-serve DVD rental kiosks all across the country. As streaming became more popular and video rental stores began closing, Redbox quickly filled the gap and was very convenient with many kiosks stationed in front of supermarkets, convenience stores, and drug stores which received a commission from rentals. The owners, Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment (great name), stopped operating in July of last year after filing for bankruptcy the month prior.
Of course I called the number! It’s out of service. Photo by Peter Skiera.
I realize it will shock most of you to know that I was never much of a DVD person, and I’ve never used a Redbox, but I wanted to hit a few kiosks around me to see whether they were still working. Since I never paid any attention to them, I didn’t realize how many there were. I went to 3 or 4 of them near me late last year and every one was still working! No, I didn’t rent a DVD. I returned to one of the Redbox kiosks a day ago and it was completely shut down. I expect they’ll start hauling them away in the near future, to be stacked next to all the old telephone booths.
Lunch Time
One of 100:Outside a Friendly’s restaurant. Photo by Peter Skiera.
At this point I was pretty hungry, so the next stop on my blast from the past tour was Friendly’s. The first Friendly’s restaurant opened in 1935 in Springfield, MA. That first location only sold ice cream, but the second restaurant in 1940, also in MA, served food as well. The company changed hands several times through the decades, at one point being owned by Hershey. It’s been owned by Amici Partners Group since 2021.
Me and my Friendly’s chocolate Fribble. Photo by Peter Skiera.
With only 100 Friendly restaurants left, all in the eastern USA, down from 850 in 1996, I made it a point to get to one and enjoy a hot meal, and of course, one of their famous Fribble ice cream drinks. As with Sears, it had been forever since I had been in a Friendly’s. It was like reuniting with an old friend and it felt good, not to mention how it tasted.
The Golden Cow
Outside a Newport Creamery in RI. Photo by Peter Skiera.
A similar but much lesser-known and considerably smaller restaurant chain was Newport Creamery. Having grown up in RI, I can tell you everyone knew this chain and I think just about everyone from RI had been to one. The company officially opened its first location in 1940 in Middletown, RI and all of its restaurants were based in RI, MA, and CT. It now operates just 10 locations, 8 of which are in RI, with the other 2 in MA. The Jan Companies have owned Newport Creamery since 2001 after the previous owners filed for bankruptcy.
The Awful Awful on the dessert menu. Photo by Peter Skiera.
Awful Big, Awful Good
When I was in RI almost two years ago, I stopped at a Newport Creamery for some lunch. Newport Creamery’s answer to Friendly’s Fribble was the Awful Awful. I opted for a small hot fudge sundae after my meal because I didn’t think I could finish an Awful Awful. Awful Awful’s are still made the way they were since day one…ice milk, flavored syrup, and ice cream. Newport Creamery used to have a promotion giving any patron a free Awful Awful if they could drink three in a row (“drink three and the fourth is free!”). My father actually did that once and is happy to recount the story on demand, although I think the quantity grows with each retelling. By the way, despite its name, the drink was always delicious, never awful, except perhaps for your waist line.
Back To The Shack
A former Radio Shack in Blairstown, NJ. Photo by Peter Skiera.
Circling back around to where I first started, Radio Shack is back. I emailed the company last year about its rejuvenation and received this response: “We are glad to inform you that we will soon be opening new locations in the US. Radio Shack closed operations in the US, and that is why at the moment there are no physical stores. We are coming back but at the time we will be available only as an online store. We appreciate you sticking with us and look forward to assist you as we continue to further expand.” Radio Shack retail stores have indeed started opening, though nothing close to me (yet) to check out, but I have looked over their website.
A screenshot from
Disappointingly, the products look to be mostly low-end Chinese electronics wearing a Radio Shack badge. The Shack had a presence at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas last month and they’re making a serious go at a comeback.
An exceptionally rare 10 karat gold Radio Shack Leader’s Club diamond ring awarded to top performing employees. The “TC” on the side stood for Tandy Corporation.
Radio Shack technically started in 1919 in Texas as a leather shoe parts supplier before it began selling radio parts in its first store on Brattle Street in Boston in 1921. At its peak, The Shack had over 8,000 stores worldwide. Radio Shack filed for bankruptcy in 2015 and again in 2017, at which time they closed all of their locations except in Latin America and the Caribbean. Those stores were owned by Unicomer Group which later acquired the global franchise in 2023. Under their leadership, they began opening new stores in the US late last year along with the new website. If my math is correct, there are now about 70 Radio Shacks spread across the USA.
What’s In Your Wallet?
For about 30 years starting in the 1960s, Radio Shack had a “Battery of the Month Club.” The card entitled the bearer to one free Radio Shack (“Enercell”) battery per month. I’m a little embarrassed to admit I was a card-carrying member but I rarely used it and I have no idea what happened to it.
I signed up for The Shack’s email list last year and it still surprises me whenever I find an email from Radio Shack in my in box. I have to remind myself that The Shack is back. I’m waiting for the day when they start mailing out catalogs again.
I hope you enjoyed walking down memory lane with me. If you enjoy my articles, please consider helping to support my blog and YouTube vlog via BuyMeACoffe or PayPal.
Trivia (from Wikipedia): Radio Shack’s TRS-80 came out in 1977 and was one of the the first mass produced home computers. “By 1979, the TRS-80 had the largest selection of software in the microcomputer market. Until 1982, the TRS-80 was the bestselling PC line, outselling the AppleII by a factor of five according to one analysis.”
Trivia (from Wikipedia):“By 1894, the Sears catalog had grown to 322 pages, including many new items, such as sewing machines, bicycles, sporting goods, and automobiles. By 1895, the company was producing a 532-page catalog. Sales were over $400,000 ($12 million in 2021 dollars) in 1893 and over $750,000 ($20 million in 2021 dollars) two years later. By 1896, dolls, stoves, and groceries were added to the catalog.”
Trivia (from Wikipedia):“In December 2013, eight days before Christmas, Toys “R” Us announced their stores in the United States would stay open for 87 hours straight. The flagship store of the retailer in Times Square was open for 24 hours a day from December 1 to 24, to cater to tourists…This move also pushed the retailer to hire an additional 45,000 seasonal workers to cater to the demand of the extended store hours.”
Trivia (from Wikipedia): “At its peak in the early 2010s, [Redbox]…controlled more than half of the US DVD rental market.”
Trivia (from Friendly’s Friend-Z free Personality Test on their website. According to my test results: “We know you love causing a little mischief. Always marching to the beat of your own drum, you don’t mind when life throws something unexpected your way. You take it in stride. People are drawn to your lust for life and judgement-free demeanor. Let your hair down…”
Normally by this time, I’m wrapping up my deep dive into my “Have A Strange Christmas” series in which I highlight strange Christmas records. I gave the series a rest this year. This month, I highlight a couple of holiday trips I embarked on a couple of weeks ago.
Hot In Cleveland
For the last several Decembers, I’ve tried to organize a visit to The House from A Christmas Story in Cleveland, OH. The house was used for some interior and exterior shots in the movie. But little things always seemed to get in the way, like getting laid off and having to sell my home. This year, I was determined to make the trip happen, even if just to get away for a couple of days for a change of scenery and get myself in the Christmas spirit.
This is the closest I’ve gotten to a woman’s leg in years.
Show Some Leg
The house from the 1983 movie A Christmas Story was purchased by super fan Brian Jones in 2004 on eBay of all places. Jones used the profits from his leg lamp company for the down payment. I never realized leg lamps were big business. A 50” tall leg lamp like the one used in the movie will set you back $300, and that’s the sale price. That’s a lot of leg. Jones dropped an additional 6 figures to totally renovate the house to match the movie set. After the work was completed, he opened the house to public tours and rented the top floor for short stays. Jones also bought three other nearby properties and converted them into a museum, a gift shop, and rental suites in the Bumpus house next door.
Joshua Dickerson in front of his new house. Photo from
What’s In A Name?
Two years ago, all of the properties were listed for sale, though the sale price was kept private. Long-time employee and CEO Joshua Dickerson took an equity stake in the company and became a Managing Partner, thus taking the properties off the market. Last year, Dickerson changed the popular tourist attraction’s name from “The Christmas Story House” to “The House from A Christmas Story”. It doesn’t roll off the tongue quite as well but it avoids licensing issues.
In front of The House from A Christmas Story. Photo by Peter Skiera.
The House from a Christmas Story almost wasn’t. During my tour, our guide recounted an interesting story. Director Bob Clark discovered the house by accident after getting lost, but decided this had to be the house for the movie. The home’s owner, however, wanted absolutely nothing to do with Hollywood and refused to cooperate. He quickly changed his mind when he was presented with a check for $20,000 to rent his house for a few weeks.
Hiding under the sink didn’t work so well.
There were some things I had to do during my tour. One was to sit underneath the kitchen sink just like Ralphie’s brother, Randy, did. Needless to say, he fit much better than I did.
Now that’s a major award!
Another must for me was to get a pic next to the soft glowing “electric sex” leg lamp in the front window.
I got a call that a kid’s tongue was frozen to a flag pole.
Since I was there specifically to write this article for my blog, I was given the very rare opportunity to sit in the firetruck garaged across the street next to the family car. Neither the truck, nor the car, are the same vehicles used in the film (the original firetruck resides in Canada), but I was still thrilled to sit behind the wheel. I’m grateful to Aryanna, The House from A Christmas Story’s General Manager, for arranging this for me.
You’ll poke your eye out: The Red Ryder BB gun. Photo by Peter Skiera.
As great as the house tour was, the museum was equally fascinating with many original costumes and props, including one of the original Red Ryder BB guns used in the movie. This is one of six. Several went unaccounted for after the movie was completed.
Randy’s winter coat. Photo by Peter Skiera.
You’ll remember poor Randy was unable to put his arms down because his mother had wrapped him in so many layers. In reality, they stuffed foam under his coat.
If you’re ever in Cleveland, be it in December or any time, A House from A Christmas Story should be at the top of your to-do list. Ho, Ho, Ho.
Castle Noel
The girl behind me clearly enjoyed pushing me. Photo by Castle Noel.
The day prior to my tour, I made my way to Castle Noel, billed as “America’s largest year-round indoor Christmas entertainment attraction”. That’s a long-winded way of saying it’s a museum of vintage Christmas props…costumes from Jim Carey’s The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, vintage window displays from Sax 5th Avenue and other New York department stores, the original Santa costume from Miracle on 34th Street, Will Ferrell’s Elf costume, and much, much more. The highlight was the opportunity to slide down the same red slide (“Santa Klaus Mountain”) that Ralphie slid down in HigBee’s Department Store in A Christmas Story.
Will Ferrell’s original costume from Elf on display at Castle Noel. Photo by Peter Skiera.The sh******s full.
To rewind a bit, the very first thing I saw on the Castle Noel tour, which I never expected, was the original Cousin Eddie 1973 Condor II RV used in the Christmas Vacation movie. The “rust” you see is painted on and looks very realistic. A little Hollywood magic. After Castle Noel purchased the RV, they actually drove it from California to its current location in Ohio.
On a personal note, if you ever need to contact Castle Noel as I did prior to my visit, don’t waste your time with their website contact form or email. They never responded to any of my messages. Why companies invite you to contact them and then ignore you is beyond me.
I took some time to visit a few other places…
The old Higbee’s Department store in Cleveland. Photo by Peter Skiera.
The HigBee Department Store building in Cleveland opened in 1860 and is still standing, but it’s now a casino.
How sweet it is: Inside b.a. Sweeties. Photo by Peter Skiera.
Before I left for the airport, I made a quick stop at b.a. Sweetie Candy Company. It’s the largest candy “store” in the USA. In addition to the usual suspects, there was a lot of candy and snacks I wasn’t familiar with, including many unusual flavors of popcorn such as Dill Pickle and Beer Cheddar.
Chew on this: candy coated insects. Photo by Peter Skiera.
The award for the weirdest candy I saw there goes to the coated creepy crawlies like chocolate covered crickets, larva, and scorpions inside lollipops. Yum.
A Scut Farkus beer? Oh, fudge! Photo by Peter Skiera.
A couple of weeks before I made my trip, an enterprising local OH brewery released a limited-edition winter warmer beer named after the bully character in A Christmas Story, Scut Farkus (played by Zack Ward). Described as “a robust nut-brown ale with loads of cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg”, I just had to sample this special libation in honor of the movie even though I consider myself a non-drinker. I posted a video on my YouTube channel capturing my priceless reaction after taking a a few sips (link at the end).
Christmas Vacation
The other equally cool trip I took last month was much closer to home…3 ½ hours northeast in Jacksonville, FL. The event was a screening of National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation in celebration of the classic film’s 35th Anniversary. Besides getting to see it on a big screen in a movie theater, none other than Clark W. Griswold himself went on stage after the movie to answer questions from the audience and conduct a meet and greet for a limited number of lucky fans.
Rush’s Way is under construction. Photo by Peter Skiera.
Before I cover the main event, I want to mention a few interesting things I encountered along my journey. Being a former radio broadcaster, I was surprised to come across a section of road dedicated to the late conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh. Early on in my radio career, I often ran the console when the AM station I worked for aired Rush’s national radio show. I even have an autographed photo of him that one of my co-workers got for me. He was controversial to say the least, and I disagreed with much of what he said, but he was smart, funny, and he articulated his arguments very well. If you wanted to educate yourself on what the other side was thinking, he was one of the best to learn from. Limbaugh died in February of 2021 from lung cancer.
The mind bending Beastie Boys 3D mural. Photo by Peter Skiera.
Upon arrival in Jacksonville, one sight I definitely had to visit was a large 3D painted mural of the Beastie Boys. It wasn’t easy to get to because everything around it was being torn up and pedestrians weren’t allowed for safety reasons. Taking my life into my own hands, I carefully navigated my way around the dirt and debris. The mural was fenced off so I did the best I could to get off a decent picture without calling attention to myself and getting tossed out.
The expansive, hand-painted mural was completed in March of 2018 on National 3D Day (yes, there is such a thing) and was certified by Guinness World Records as the largest 3D painted mural, measuring 1,900 square feet. It’s situated in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Jacksonville, FL. Perhaps that’s why the artist, Jason Tetlak, titled it after one of the group’s songs, “No Sleep Till Brooklyn”. Unfortunately for me, I didn’t have a set of 3D glasses handy to see it as it was intended.
Drip, drip, drip: The vintage Maxwell House sign. Photo by Peter Skiera.
Being the all-things vintage geek that I am, the other must see on my list was the Maxwell House “Good to the last drop” sign at the Maxwell House factory building in downtown Jacksonville. I couldn’t get a shot of it at night when it’s most impressive, so a daylight shot had to suffice. The 100-year-old, 390,000 square foot factory sits on private property and there were numerous security vehicles around, but I managed to capture the above image. I also got a generous whiff of delicious smelling roasted coffee that surrounded the building.
The 95-foot Maxwell House sign dates back to 1955 and has the distinction of being the last Maxwell House sign like it in the country. It was scheduled to be upgraded from neon to LED but I don’t know for certain if that was ever done.
Inside the impressive Florida theater before the show. Photo by Peter Skiera.
After a quick meal (very quick), I departed my lovely 2-star motel and headed on over to the beautiful, historic Florida theater. The theater opened back in 1927 and features grand staircases, marble, ironwork, and tiling. They don’t make them like they used to.
I’ve seen the Christmas Vacation film many times on television, but experiencing it in a theater with almost 2,000 other movie goers was a real treat. When the movie ended, out came Chevy Chase, followed by his wife, Jayni Luke, and the moderator, to a standing ovation.
Chevy Chase gingerly making his way on stage. Photo by Peter Skiera.
Chase turned 81 two months ago and it showed. During the Q&A, his wife (they’ve been married over 40 years) had to remind him of things and fill-in some details, but she did so very lovingly. She also explained that the night before, Chase had fallen and hit his eye on the arm of their sofa. They had been in the Emergency Room until 2am that morning and his eye had only recently opened up. Despite this, he was in great spirits, recounting some funny stories over the course of his television and movie career while answering questions from the audience that were submitted in advance.
From left to right: The moderator, Jayni Luke Chase, and Chevy Chase. BTW, those are bottles of water, not alcohol. Photo by Peter Skiera.
The highlight of the Q&A for me was at the very end when the host asked Chase to recite the angry rant from Christmas Vacation where his character, Clark Griswold, called his boss about 25 consecutive nasty names. Chase revealed that he was the one who wrote the tirade, and that the rest of the cast were holding signs each containing a couple of words from the rant. Of course, you don’t see that part in the film. This allowed the rant to be filmed in one take because he said there was no way he could’ve memorize all of the words. On stage he read the rant from a slip of paper and when he finished, the audience erupted in loud applause and cheers.
Me (dressed like Clark) and Chevy Chase (and his black eye). Photo by Standing Ovations Live.
I was one of the fortunate few who got to meet Chase backstage and get a photo with him. The meeting only lasted a few seconds, but it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience I’ll never forget. You can see his black eye in the photo. The napkin under his hand is because he was coughing a lot. I went to the effort of trying to dress like Clark Griswold right down to the identical tie. I thanked Chevy for staying late to meet with some of his fans when I’m sure he would’ve preferred being in bed resting from his fall only 24 hours earlier.
My Chevy Chase signed mini movie poster.
This is probably the most exciting Christmas I’ve had since I first sat on Santa’s lap. I don’t get out much. I hope you enjoyed reading about my adventures.
By the way, in case you missed it, last year for this blog I wrote an extensively researched history of the Christmas Vacation movie soundtrack and its highly questionable authenticity, link at the end.
Trivia (from“While in school at Bard College, Chase was classmates with Walter Becker and Donald Fagan. The three of them often picked up gigs together and formed a short-lived band called The Leather Canary. Fagan and Becker would go on to form the legendary Steely Dan, albeit without Chase.”
Trivia (from“Chase’s family in American goes as far back as the Mayflower. John Howland and William Brewster are both ancestors of his and both arrived at Plymouth Rock with the rest of the Mayflower passengers in 1620.”
Trivia: Chevy Chase was born Cornelius Crane Chase.His grandmother nicknamed him Chevy.
A House from A Christmas Story, Castle Noel, and b.a. Sweetie’s didn’t subsidize any portion of my trip. I was responsible for all expenses. If you enjoyed this article, please consider making a contribution to BuyMeACoffee orPayPalto help support my blog and vlog.
I originally posted this article on the Como Audio blog (which no longer exists) 2 years ago. In honor of the cassette tape’s Birthday, I’ve updated it and present it here for the first time on my own blog.
In 1964, sixty years ago last month, the same year The Beatles invaded America, Philips introduced the US to the recordable cassette tape (trademarked under the name “Compact Cassette”). Though the new plastic fantastic invention was intended for dictation, two years later, prerecorded music tapes hit the market. For the music enthusiast, the cassette’s size proved much more convenient than 7” diameter reel-to-reel tapes, 12” records, and bulky 8 tracks, with the ability to easily slip a tape in one’s shirt or pant pocket. Reel to reel music tapes were harder to source and the playback machines were expensive, heavy, and occupied considerably more real estate. Records had been the dominant format, and despite the cassette’s obvious advantages, according to, it took a solid twenty years until cassettes finally outsold their vinyl counterparts.
Illustration from a Sony insert card.
As advanced as cassettes were for the time, they weren’t without their flaws. Almost every cassette owner experienced the tape spooling inside their tape deck or portable player. If you were fortunate enough to catch it in time you could extract the tape and wind it back into the cassette housing by sticking a pencil in one of the reel holes and rotating it. The nightmare scenario was the tape getting mangled around the pinch roller and/or capstan, “eating” the tape, and effectively relegating the cassette to the dust bin.
Tape decks needed attention as well. They had to be cleaned and demagnetized regularly to maintain good performance, and sometimes required head re-alignment and bias adjustment. Cassette owners also had to be careful to keep their tapes away from magnets which could erase tapes (never a concern with records or CDs).
Press to play:The revolutionary Advent Model 201 home cassette deck (sans its tinted dust cover). Photo by Peter Skiera.
One consumer electronics product to give the fledgling cassette format a shot in the arm was the Model 200 from 1971 which was made in Massachusetts by Advent Corp. I read this model cost $260. If true, that would be over $2,000 today after adjusting for inflation! Advent was founded in Cambridge in 1967 by Henry Kloss and built high-quality home loudspeakers. Advent was also the first company to produce a projection television long before cable or home theater ever became part of our lexicon. But I digress.
From 200 to 201
The 200, which used an unreliable Nakamichi transport, was replaced by the Model 201 which used an industrial-strength, commercial-grade 3M Wollensak transport. It had an analog tape counter, a generously-sized analog VU meter which could be switched between channels or combined to measure both channels, a single rewind/fast forward lever, a removable dust cover, and came housed in real a wood case. These were not the first consumer home tape decks, but the Advent models were the very first high-fidelity home decks to include patented Dolby B noise reduction for recording and playback (reducing tape hiss by 9dB) and CrO2 (chrome) tape support.
The importance of the Model 201 to the evolution of recorded music cannot be overstated. From the Model 201’s original user manual: “…the 201 incorporates more than the usual number of user-accessible adjustments to permit the serious recordist to achieve the recording quality, that, just a short time ago, was thought possible only with the best and most expensive open reel recorder.”
Together again:Peter Skiera (left) and Bruce Gregory at Como Audio in Boston in 2019. Photo by Ben Merberg.
My friend and former long-time colleague, Bruce Gregory, was a young engineer at Advent Corp. in the 1970’s and was asked by Henry Kloss to handle the electronic design of the Model 201. I spoke with Gregory by phone and asked him about that landmark project.
Peter: Advent was your first major engineering gig?
Bruce: “Yeah. They hired me because they went in production with the Model 100 Dolby [Noise Reduction Unit], then they [found] out [it didn’t] work. So, they hired me to see if I could straighten it out, which I did. Then we did the [Model] 101 Dolby which [was] either record or playback but not both. Ray Dolby did most of that and I did some of it. I probably started the [Model 201] in late 1970. It took nine months before production “
Peter: What can you tell me about the design of the Model 201? Was it difficult?
Bruce: “Well, okay, for me, it was hard. The electronics…I had never designed a low-noise pre-amp before. So, you know, I went to my transistor theory book [from] college and read through it until I found out the tape head impedance [was] a real factor and you [could] pick some transistors that [worked] with that better than others…pick the right transistor to get low noise. When we were done, it was substantially better than the electronics in the Revox…It had a regulated power supply in it so line voltage wouldn’t affect its performance. It had adjustments on the back for bias…trim pots for regular tape and chromium tape, so if you wanted to you could adjust your own machine to be super flat. The heads came from Michigan Magnetics who [made] all the heads on, like, your Ampex half inch tape. We had a really good quality tape head. The wow and flutter [were] pretty good. Henry [Kloss] did a kind of unusual board layout. When you [went] from record to play, you [had] to switch about a half a dozen-things. So, we put the switches all over the board and Henry made up this, like, spider steel thing that tied them all together, so when you moved the lever on the top it moved all the switches together. And they had little nylon bushings that it ran in. That was kind of unusual.”
A fashionable Bruce Gregory during his Advent days in the 1970’s. Note the tie and polyester sports jacket. Photo courtesy of Gregory.
Peter: In those days, the cassette wasn’t really being taken seriously for music until the Model 201. Did Henry Kloss ever explain why he decided to make a hi-fi tape deck?
Bruce: “Henry felt you could get open-reel performance on a cassette deck. And our standard demonstration [was], we’d go somewhere and record a song from the record onto the cassette deck and then we’d play them back synched up and nobody could tell which was the record and which was the cassette. It was really good. It was head and shoulders above everything else out there. The Harman Kardon and the Fisher [decks] weren’t very good.”
Rare Advent music tapes from the 1970s. Photo by Peter Skiera.
Peter: Advent was the first to make and sell their own blank and pre-recorded chromium dioxide cassette tapes. How did that work?
Bruce: “The cassette tape [came] on, like 7” reels, which is thousands of feet cassette tape, it’s really, really thin. So, the operator would put in an empty cassette, splice the leader to the big reel, record it, and then at the end [he] would splice the leader on the other end…The classical music, Andy [Kotsatos] and I recorded a lot of that…We did some live recording at Sanders Theater and at Brandeis Theater…we recorded [the Boston Camerata] in the Museum of Fine Arts so it would sound like it was in a castle. We had one tape of Bob Wier from the Grateful Dead…Anyhow, Henry dealt with, I think, Dupont directly on the tape. I mean, chromium tape was pretty new. Nobody else was really doing anything.”
The Bridge, founded by Tom DeVesto (center with the long hair), was one of Advent’s most successful dealers. Photo courtesy of DeVesto.
It Started With Video Tape
According to Como Audio’s CEO, Tom DeVesto, who founded what would become one of Advent’s most successful dealers, The Bridge in North Carolina, and eventually went on to become Advent’s International Sales Manager, Advent’s cassettes originally used video tape. From a vintage Advent advert in Stereo Review magazine: “Although DuPont’s Crolyn tape was being used extensively in video recording applications, and justifying its advance press notices, no one had made the leap to marketing it for audio purposes for home use. We decided to do so because we felt that Crolyn was necessary for the very best in potential cassette performance…and better overall high frequency performance than any other tape we know of.” *
My amazing Nakamichi RX-303 with UDAR compartment. Photo by Peter Skiera.
As time went on, the record/playback devices became more sophisticated, offering features like Dolby C, Dolby HX Pro, Dolby S, auto reverse, and multiple motors. One of the better-known manufacturers was Nakamichi. Their top-of-the-line 1000 ZXL sold for almost $4,000 and that was forty years ago! “Nak” as they were affectionately referred to by audiophiles, brought a number of innovations to the table. They were the first to employ three dedicated heads, one each for erasing, recording, and playback. Their transports were so accurate they made the cassette’s pressure pad unnecessary and actually lifted it out of the way. Their head-turning UDAR (Uni-Directional Auto Reverse), as used in three models, physically pushed the cassette out and flipped it around to play the other side, thereby saving the listener a trip out of his chair (and eliminating concerns over alignment issues from a reversing playback head).
Train Your Dragon
Nakamichi’s legendary Dragon cassette deck brought high performance (very low wow and flutter and 20Hz-20kHz frequency response) and a super-sexy style to the consumer tape deck (along with a hefty price tag). I vividly remember drooling over a Dragon at a Tweeter Etc. store in R.I., knowing I would never be able to afford one. One day I was in the store, my heart sunk as a salesman gave a deal on their demonstration model to a woman who was buying it as a present for her boyfriend. What a gift, and what a girlfriend! I bought a used one on eBay (a Dragon, not a girlfriend) about two decades later and still own it today. Based on my success rate, a girlfriend never would’ve lasted that long.
Load ‘em up: My Pioneer CT-M66R “Multi-play” tape deck changer with motorized carriage. Photo by Peter Skiera.
In addition to the Nakamichi Dragon, I also own a Pioneer CT-M66R circa 1990, a kind of cassette jukebox accepting up to six tapes that can be played in order or randomly shuffled. Not to be out done, Mitsubishi’s DT-156/157/160 auto changing models held up to 7 tapes. Sony came out with their TC-C05 in 1992 which housed an internal carousel that accepted up to five cassettes.
Stack the deck:Denon’s Cassematic.
It might surprise you to learn that the cassette jukebox wasn’t an invention of the 1990s. The very first consumer multi-play cassette machine actually came out in 1970. Denon’s “Cassematic 12” supported up to twelve tapes, was housed in a wood cabinet, and sported prominent mechanical push button controls typical of the 70’s.
Round and round she goes: The PanasonicRS-296.
The mother of all multi-cassette players, however, was the Panasonic RS-296 from 1972 which held a whopping twenty cassette tapes in its sleek, rotating aluminum carousel. It’s a rare treat indeed to see one of these babies in action. The push buttons on the right were used to directly select the cassette you wanted to listen to or to program the playback in a specific order. Once selected, the tape would disappear below the carousel to play and then pop back up again when it was finished playing or was stopped and ejected.
The $500 Teac W-1200 in black. Photo from
You can still find decent home cassette decks being manufactured today by Teac and Tascam, but most others are inexpensive, low-end affairs. Since Dolby noise reduction is no longer available for consumer decks, The Teac W-1200 uses its own noise reduction akin to Dolby B, includes a wireless remote control, has a two year warranty, and is available in black or silver.
The home tape deck gave rise to the “mix tape”. This was a homemade compilation of the listener’s favorite songs culled from other tapes and records. When you got tired of the songs, you simply recorded a new mix on top of the previous set, and presto, you had yourself a whole new playlist. You could trade your tapes with friends and hear what songs they were listening to. These were custom playlists well before playlists were a thing.
Walk this way: My near mint condition Sony TPS-L2 Walkman with the box, included headphones, and still sealed Sony batteries. Photo by Peter Skiera.
Anywhere, Anytime
Another huge boost for the cassette’s public acceptance was the legendary Sony Walkman, introduced in the US in 1980. With the Walkman, which was powered by a couple of standard AA batteries, cassettes were no longer limited to home or studio use, but could now be enjoyed while traveling, jogging, sunning at the beach, riding the bus, lying on the sofa, or rollerblading (it was a thing back then)…just about anywhere you wanted to take your music. Over the course of three decades, Sony sold about 200 million Walkmans (Walkmen?) worldwide according to Wikipedia. Today, first generation Walkmans sell on eBay anywhere from several hundred dollars to upwards of $3,000! Nostalgia is fun but expensive.
Orange you glad they made this? Photo from
If that’s too pricey for you, take heart. There are several companies making portable tape players today, with We Are Rewind and FiiO being the best known.
Knobs, jacks, and buttons, oh my! FiiO’s R13. Photo from FiiO’s Facebook page.
Tape under glass: Ninmlab’s “It’s Real” turns the cassette player into a retro work of art. Photo from
New tape players aren’t just for older folks looking to experience the nostalgia of the past. I’ve read that young people like that portable cassette players don’t use their phone’s battery power as is the case when they play music from their phone, and that they enjoy the tactile sensation of pressing buttons and handling tapes. In the case of We Are Rewind, its player has the added benefit of being able to stream its audio to Bluetooth headphones, earbuds, or speakers. The colors and industrial designs of these players are also very appealing.
On the downside, a lot of reviews complain about the reliability of these players. From a sound stand point, there’s a considerable amount of playback hiss since there’s no noise reduction. There’s also no tape counter which can make finding that particular song you want a hear little harder. If you’re in the market for a portable cassette player and want the best sound, you might have a better experience going with a used vintage player even if it costs a little more and you have to buy batteries for it.
Take it outside: My massive Clairtone boombox. Photo by Peter Skiera.
Boxing The Boom
In the early 1980’s, the boombox took cassette tape portability to the extreme. As time went on, boomboxes grew bigger, louder, and heavier. With lighted VU meters, dual cassette decks for dubbing, multiple input jacks (including dedicated phono and microphone inputs), tone controls, Dolby noise reduction, AM/FM tuner (some models included shortwave!), and dedicated tweeters and woofers, the boombox became a full-fledged, shoulder-mounted, hi-fi stereo system. The Conion C-100F, for instance, was a monstrous, 3-way system that took ten D cell batteries! You can’t truly appreciate the sheer scale of this model without being in its presence. It even had a very loud alarm that, when set, would activate if moved. I own the Canadian version which was branded under the Clairtone name.
GPO’s Brooklyn boombox. Photo from GPO’s Instagram page.
A few new boombox tape players are still available today like the “Brooklyn” by GPO Retro for $260, but they pale in comparison to their predecessors.
Back then, music formats had a greater chance of success if they could be enjoyed in vehicles. Auto makers began including radios with tape playback in their vehicles allowing cassettes to get out of our dreams and into our cars. There was also a plethora of aftermarket head units. Philips was the first to come out with a car radio/cassette combo back in 1968.
A curated collection of homemade Grateful Dead recordings.
Dead Tapes
One unique activity that stemmed directly from portable cassette recorders was the “Tapers’ Section”. This was a designated area at Grateful Dead concerts where fans were actually allowed to bring in recording equipment and record the live performance. While almost all other bands prohibited recording of their live concerts, The Dead welcomed it, likely making them the most recorded band in the world. Fans would trade their tapes with fellow tapers. Many “Deadheads” have since digitized their recordings and posted them on the web. has nearly 15,000 live “Dead” recordings.
Listen To A Book
Tapes weren’t just for music. Over about a ten-year span, from the mid-1980’s to mid-1990’s, publishers released books on tape, with many read by the authors. At its peak, the audio book market swelled to $1.5 billion annually according to Wikipedia. “Readers” could hear a book on tape when it wasn’t practical to actually read one, such as in the car, riding public transportation, jogging, cooking, or doing housework. They were also embraced by the blind and those with reading disabilities. Audio books could be purchased at traditional bookstores and music stores, and were lent out by public libraries. Even the Book-of-the-Month Club and Time-Life got in on the act. Like used music tapes, used audio books can be found at thrift stores and on the web. According to an Audio Publishers Association survey, audio books remain very popular with sales up 9% last year at $2 billion. The survey identified history/biography/memoir as the most popular genres.
The big, beautiful Panasonic RS-DC10 player/recorder with piano gloss solid wood end panels.
I’m not done with the history lesson. In 1992, Philips took the cassette tape to the next level with a new format called DCC (Digital Compact Cassette), not to be confused with Sony’s Digital Audio Tape (DAT). Don’t feel bad if you don’t remember it or never heard of it. It all but vanished a mere four years later. DCC touted better sound quality since the tapes stored the music digitally like CDs and were 18- bit vs. CD’s 16-bit. The hardware was backward compatible with analog tapes for playback only, not for recording- a rather significant drawback. Tapes were loaded into a slide-out tray, not a pop open door like analog tape decks. Another cool feature lacking from its analog cousin was meta data…the playback machine’s display could show the artist, track number, and song information embedded in the DCC’s auxiliary track of the playing tape, something many CDs didn’t do at the time.
Smooth operator: My Pioneer CT-05D connected to my Musica. Photo by Peter Skiera.
The DCC was not the tape deck’s last gasp, however. In 1996, as the cassette was preparing to meet its maker, Pioneer brought out several new models featuring a 20-bit digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converter which digitized and processed the cassette’s analog audio and then converted the digital signal back to analog for superior sound. These decks also had Pioneer’s proprietary Digital Noise Reduction which virtually eliminated all tape hiss. Finally, Pioneer included what it called Digital FLEX which measured the tape’s frequency response and automatically “filled in” any missing high frequencies. With Dolby C engaged, these Pioneer decks could achieve a signal-to-noise ratio of 90dB, approaching CD-quality. Unlike the DCC format, Pioneer’s new technology was designed to work with standard cassette tapes. I have a gently used Pioneer Elite CT-05D I bought on eBay which has the same suite of digital features. The Digital Noise Reduction feature is quite remarkable. I well remember selling these Pioneer decks when I was the Assistant Manager at Cambridge SoundWorks in Portland, ME. We did not sell many, but kudos to Pioneer for having dug deep into their bag of tricks to try to rescue the cassette deck. Unfortunately, it was too late for the tape.
Rinse and repeat:My Allsop cassette deck cleaning kit. Photo by Peter Skiera.
In the musical words of George Harrison, all things must pass. When the compact disc burst onto the scene in the early 1980’s in all its shiny, futuristic glory, it was the nail in the cassette’s coffin, metaphorically speaking. Analog tapes had a warmer sound compared to the CD’s colder, digital sound, and made recording easy. But let’s face the inconvenient truth- the cassette didn’t stand a ghost of a chance against the CD. By 2003, the cassette tape had all but vanished from the major music labels’ catalogs.
My Billie Eilish “When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?” cassette (in limited edition transparent red plastic) and Madonna’s “Madame X”. Photo by Peter Skiera.
Like records, the cassette tape has been making a comeback of late, albeit on a considerably smaller scale. As the song goes, everything old is new again, or as the saying goes, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Last year in the US, 436,400 cassette tapes were sold. There’s even a Cassette Store Day (CSD), though it has not enjoyed nearly the same traction in the USA as Record Store Day has.
Top 10 List
Naturally, you can source used tapes on eBay, at your local thrift store, and on-line from web shops like 3rd,, and, but some chains like Urban Outfitters and Newbury Comics sell new cassette titles by artists such as Dua Lipa, Harry Styles, and Taylor Swift. You will even find cassettes at and Amazon.
Here are the top 10 tape titles from last year according to ranked by highest to lowest sales:
1. Various Artists – Guardians Of The Galaxy, Vol. 1: Awesome Mix Vol. 1 (18,000 copies) 2. Taylor Swift – 1989 (Taylor’s Version) (17,500) 3. Various Artists – Guardians Of The Galaxy, Vol. 2: Awesome Mix Vol. 2 (16,000) 4. Various Artists – Guardians Of The Galaxy, Vol. 3: Awesome Mix Vol. 3 (13,000) 5. Taylor Swift – Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) (11,500) 6. Nirvana – Bleach (8,000) 7. Metallica – 72 Seasons (7,500) 8. Various Artists – Guardians Of The Galaxy: Cosmic Mix, Vol. 1 (6,000) 9. Various Artists – Barbie: The Album (5,500) 10 Phoebe Bridgers – Punisher (5,500)
In a race to the bottom, like new tape decks, new cassette titles are not encoded with Dolby noise reduction because the Dolby chip set was discontinued years ago. Call me old school, but new cassette releases without Dolby is like Las Vegas without gambling.
Be that as it may, tapes are like musical comfort food, and a tape collection will occupy less space than records. They also require less cash, as most new titles retail for much less than new vinyl records. That’s because cassettes are inexpensive to make, even in short runs, making them a “reel” deal. Used tapes, however, are the ultimate bargain. I bought a half dozen used music tapes at a local thrift store for $1 apiece (and they have Dolby NR).
Bid Early And Often
Of course, you can spend much more if you wish. How about a tape of Aerosmith’s “Just Push Play” for a mere $50,000? Too expensive? There’s a cassette of Led Zeppelin’s “Physical Graffiti “ going for a cool $2,800. If you’ve got a box of old tapes in your attic or basement, you might want to go through them before you drop them off at the Salvation Army.
Sourcing blank audio cassettes for recording is a different story. Maxell’s blank chrome and metal tapes were highly regarded back in the day. Who could forget the iconic black and white Maxell advert of the cool dude in dark sunglasses holding on for dear life in his high arm chair while getting blown away along with his martini (complete with flying olive) by his JBL loudspeakers? You can still find Maxell’s Type I blank cassettes for sale, but their Chrome and Metal tape formulations have been out of production for some time and are quite expensive today on eBay.
Making tape great again.Photo from NAC’s Instagram page.
A New Take On Tapes
National Audio Company is one of only a handful of US companies that still make cassettes and is the last remaining company in the US to manufacture its own tape. The family-owned, 135,000 square foot factory is located in Springfield, MO and has been in business for 55 years. They exhausted their supply of consumer-grade audio tape about three years ago but developed a new Type 1 formulation which they say is “designed specifically for maximum performance when recording on real-time consumer cassette decks.” They also developed a new Type II formulation which uses cobalt instead of Chromium Dioxide, yet uses the same bias and equalization as Chrome. The company claims their new recipe results in better frequency response and improved bass.
Music tape duplication accounts for most of NAC’s business. They made the best-selling Guardian of The Galaxy tapes. NAC has done cassette projects for Pearl Jam and the Smashing Pumpkins and they have partnered with Disney, Sony, Universal, and several independent music labels.
I interviewed NAC’s President, Steve Stepp, for this original article but that information is outdated so I’ve removed it. I asked Stepp a new set of questions for this updated article but he refused to respond in writing. I guess he wanted me to buy one of his tapes and tape the interview.
My cassette tape coffee table by Photo by Peter Skiera.
Why is a 60 year old music format popular again? Perhaps it’s nostalgia. Perhaps it’s because they’re cheap. Perhaps because, unlike playing a digital music file, they provide the full sensory experience…ripping apart the cellophane like unwrapping a Christmas gift, popping open the plastic case, unfolding and reading the artwork insert, and finally, grasping the tape and inserting it in the player, and pressing the Play button. See me. Feel me. Touch me. Heal me. Or, perhaps it’s simply because they’re analog. After all, our ears are analog. We weren’t born with a DAC in our brain. Whatever the reason, know that cassette tapes completely altered the music landscape, in a good way, and they’re still relevant for many music lovers, yours included. Long live analog.
*Dobly is a trademark of Dolby Laboratories. Crolyn is a trademark of DuPont.
Trivia (from to Wikipedia): The 2010 Lexus SC430 was the last domestic car to include an in-dash radio/cassette combo player as standard equipment.
Trivia:A C60 cassette (30 minutes each side) contains a total of 279 feet of audio tape.
Trivia:According to, if every cassette sold from day one until today were placed end-to-end, they would stretch from the earth to the moon and back again four times. Houston, we have a resurgence.
Trivia:In a previous life,Bruce Gregory sold and repaired marine electronics, and was one of the last to be on and off the Andrea Gail before she was lost at sea with all hands during the perfect storm of 1991.
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